Sponsor PixelPop

Become a Sponsor of PixelPop Festival
Thank you for your interest in being a Sponsor of PixelPop Festival.
PixelPop’s primary focus is to celebrate unique games and the many people who make them possible. The event draws a diverse attendance of passionate game-playing enthusiasts and driven, ambitious game-making professionals. We advocate for inclusivity and experimentation in games, celebrate independently produced interactive experiences, and seek to educate & explore industry topics through carefully curated speaker programming.
PixelPop remains to be an exciting, engaging experience that draws a strong St. Louis and regional audience, along with creators and attendees from all over the United States and beyond.
PixelPop Festival reaches a targeted but diverse 18-35 year old demographic (14-35 attendee; 25-40 exhibitor/professional). Previous years’ Festivals have drawn attendance from the St. Louis metro area and the greater midwest region, as well as attendees from around the United States. Our attendees and guests are enthusiastic players of tabletop & digital games that span computers, consoles, mobile devices, and more.
For more details on sponsorship tiers and pricing, please contact us using the form below.
We’re excited to have you involved with PixelPop Festival. We look forward to speaking with you soon!
All Sponsors are expected to adhere to our Code of Conduct and Event Policies.