Event Policies

We expect all participants to follow our Code of Conduct at all PixelPop Festival venues and Festival-related social events.
Expo Hall
Please respect all attendees, exhibitors, and equipment. If you attempt to alter, break, or remove equipment, you will be ejected from the event without refund.
Alcohol & Smoking
Alcohol, smoking, e-cigs, and scented vapor devices are not allowed inside the PixelPop Festival conference venue.
Badge Policy
You will need attendee credentials to take part in everything the event has to offer. Credentials must be visible at all times. Please do not hang them off purse straps or other accessories. If you lose your credentials, you can purchase a new one for full price at the registration desk. Anyone caught sharing credentials will have it revoked without refund.
Lost and Found
PixelPop Festival is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged property. A lost and found box will be kept at the Registration Desk during event hours. Unclaimed items will be turned over to Saint Louis University for any inquiries after the event.
Advertising Fliers Policy
Please do not post signs or stickers on the walls of the venue. Fliers may only be handed out if you have a booth at the event, or an agreement with the show producer. Do not solicit or distribute unapproved fliers. Unapproved fliers left around the event will be thrown away by event management without warning.
Common Courtesy
Please turn your mobile devices to silent or vibrate when you’re in programming and event rooms. If you must take or make a call, please step outside into a hall.
Photography & Video
By attending PixelPop Festival, attendees understand that they may be photographed or filmed. As a courtesy, attendees should ask permission before filming or photographing others. Please respect people who do not want to be on camera.
Events where photography and filming are not allowed will be announced during the event.
Clothes, Weapons, and Props
Clothes must abide by our code of conduct.
For the safety of all participants, prop weapons of any kind are NOT allowed in the venue. This includes: live steel or any real weapons of any kind; props made of wood, plastic, foam, plaster, cardboard, cloth, etc; fake/toy guns. Do not bring props that must be carried and/or otherwise protrude from your person. We encourage you to come unencumbered so you can easily participate in game demos and speaker sessions.
Miscellaneous items
Announced events and programs are subject to change and/or cancellation. A notice of schedule changes will be posted at the registration booth.
Except for service animals, pets are not allowed in the venue.