Jon Leek & Carol Mertz

Adron BuskeExhibitors

Constructive Interference by Jon Leek and Carol Mertz

PixelPop Exhibitor

Exhibitor: Jon Leek & Carol Mertz

Jon Leek & Carol Mertz

Creator of: Constructive Interference
Location: St. Louis

Jon Leek and Carol Mertz are pals who teamed up for the Global Game Jam. They entered into the endeavor knowing they wanted to make a “robot game” with electromechanical components, and completed the weekend with the garish, screaming, colorful game “Constructive Interference.”

Constructive Interference

A 3-player local chromatic co-op game built with Arduino. Prototyped originally at the Global Game Jam 2017, Constructive Interference has been re-created over several different iterations to experiment with size, shape, and player count.