Vendor Submissions

PixelPress at PixelPop Festival 2014. Photo by Adron Buske.

Thank you for your interest in being a vendor at PixelPop Festival 2017.

PixelPop’s primary focus is on unique games and the people who make them. As such, most of our exhibition floor is dedicated to demoing and displaying those games from our diverse selection of creators. To preserve that space and focus, we may offer a very limited number of spaces for non-demoing vendors.

Vendors will be chosen on the following criteria:

  • Relevance to the Festival’s mission and attendee interests.
  • Direct connection of product to games and the gaming industry.
  • Uniqueness of product, i.e. items not found in department stores or other common local retail locations.

For more details and pricing, please contact us using the form below.

If you are looking for promotional display space to get your message and brand in front of a highly targeted consumer demographic, consider becoming a PixelPop Sponsor.

All Vendors are expected to adhere to our Code of Conduct and Event Policies.