
Adron BuskeExhibitors

PixelPop Exhibitor

Exhibitor: WaffleWorks


Creator of: Submerged
Location: Lawrence, KS

WaffleWorks is a game studio founded by Isaac White, an aspiring game developer from Lawrence, Kansas. In January 2017 he brought 3 friends from Lawrence to the St. Louis Global Game Jam where the 4 of them and 2 others from St. Louis created a game they called Submerged. After the jam they decided to continue working on the game and formed what is now WaffleWorks.


Submerged is a game designed for mobile phones originally created at the St. Louis Global Game Jam 2017. Players must navigate their submarine through dangerous waters that contain many different enemies and bosses. Collect treasure from enemies by destroying them with your missiles. Choose your difficulty at the beginning, and avoid colliding with your enemies to get a high score.